About Us

AfriMod is a marketplace for ​​unique, funky and artsy home & lifestyle products inspired by ancient symbols, icons, forms, patterns, shapes, etc.

Our Story

Tired of static, stereotypical approaches to African-inspired design, a father and daughter team evolved a new approach that is current, contemporary and fresh.

With backgrounds in the arts, digital design and architecture, the founders, an African-Canadian father-daughter team, Osita D. Juwah and Ada-Nkem (Ada) Juwah felt there had to be a better way. So they built AfriMod—

AfriMod is committed to good design ideas that are inspired by our world of cultures and traditions. We seek out symbols, icons, forms, patterns, shapes, etc. with ancient roots— We work to unveil their cultural narratives to reveal their modern souls.

We believe that good design contributes to preserving heritage while fostering its progress. Good design is storytelling, it is evocative, inspiring and transformative. Good design transcends borders, and it elevates modern global aesthetics.

The heartbeat of our company is the vision we share with modern global citizens like you. And like you, we believe that creativity is limitless, that good design is transporting and that anything can be made better.

Why The Name AfriMod?

AfriMod is coined from the words, “African” and “Modern” based on the concept of—African-inspired Modern—a vision of a 21st century modern global aesthetic that is characterized by multiple cultural design narratives.

Our Brand

AfriMod is a marketplace for artsy and funky home & lifestyle products inspired by ancient symbols, icons, forms, patterns shapes, etc.

Whether bold geometric patterns, whimsical illustrations, colorful or minimalist renderings, each item seems like it’s been created just for you to make any room of yours—Yours in every way.

Experience new horizons and new ideas inspired by ancient forms, patterns, icons, symbols and concepts.

Our Design Studio

(more info: Press + Media)

Our Locations

Toronto, Canada. Abuja, Nigeria.

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