Kwanzaa celebrates creativity, faith, sharing and unity derived from the common bonds between peoples of African cultural heritage. From Brooklyn to LA, Toronto to Paris and beyond, we wish you a revitalizing Kwanzaa that leads to brighter days in the coming new year. Spread love, unity and wisdom to family and friends this holiday season. Celebrate with cards from our contemporary Kwanzaa collection.
Happy Together
Our most popular Kwanzaa card featuring a modern redesign of the African Adinkra symbol Nsirewa, representing unity, togetherness and harmony. A contemporary, yet warm design that incorporates the conceptual themes and colors of Kwanzaa (red, black, green).
Minimalism: less over more… these cards feature contemporary African art on black or stylized abstracted typography on white.

The Seven Principles of Kwanzaa
These card sets put the focus on what matters… the principles, ideas and concepts that drive the celebration: Umoja (Unity), Kujichagulia (Self-Determination), Ujima (Collective Work and Responsibility), Ujamaa (Cooperative Economics), Nia (Purpose), Kuumba (Creativity), and Imani (Faith).

The Kinara
The Seven Principles are represented by the Mishumaa Sabaa (the seven candles), and the Kinara (candle holder). These card sets feature abstracted designs of the Kinara as a reminder of the principles to be celebrated each day.

African Heritage
Connect to the continent with these designs that reference African ideographic symbols and concepts.
Indulge in contemporary African art cards for Kwanzaa– a splash of color, pattern and texture for the holidays.

View all Kwanzaa Card Sets in our Holiday Shop